When you set out to window shop online, you drop items into a cart on a website. But this search is not always converted to a purchase. Although your search ends, you continue to find ads related to the items you left behind or looked at while browsing online elsewhere. This is a website’s way of retargeting customers through Google who may be interested in its products and service offerings and it happens through the Google Display Network ads.
Unlike the traditional Google search ads that appear only in search engine results, Google display ads are shown to users across 200 million websites, applications, and videos. Google Display Network enables you to set when and where your ad is shown, and to which target audience it caters, depending on specific criteria.
The sense of concord between Google and millions of websites and applications allows these sites to earn revenue by advertising on Google, helping them generate more traffic.
Google ads chart out and optimise a customer’s journey, generating leads and conversions. The internet is the go-to platform for information. Businesses can leverage this and benefit through display ads to reach a larger audience. Once the company sets a monthly ad campaign, it can limit its ad-spend budget that Google will follow, and can choose its potential customer base, locally or globally. Google display ads as a digital marketing tool are an effective way for businesses to get meaningful messages across and get recognised, with measurable results in the form of website clicks. Since you and your competitors are appealing to the same prospects, Google ads’ powerful visual imagery can help you distinguish your brand.
Search ads pop up the moment potential customers start navigating a business’s offerings, products, and services on Google. Display ads show up when people visit a particular website across the Google Display Network.
When running Display ads, you might not immediately reach those who are actively searching for what you offer. However, they serve as an introduction to your business by catering to a specific target audience who is most likely to be interested in your products or services. This may help you tap into a larger or completely new audience than through a simple search.
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